Changing HOA Management Company Letter to Residents

If you would like to inform residents of your Homeowners Association about a change in the management company, here is a sample template you can use to write changing HOA management company letter to residents.

As a homeowner, you may be familiar with the process of voting to change the management company for your HOA. If not, here’s a quick overview: 

  1. 1The board sends out a notice to all homeowners that they are considering changing management companies and provide information on the pros and cons of doing so. 
  2. Homeowners have a set amount of time (usually 30 days) to submit their opinion in writing either supporting or opposing the change. 
  3. The board then takes into consideration all feedback received and makes a decision. 

If your HOA is considering changing management companies, use this template letter as a guide when drafting your own notification to residents. It outlines key points about why the board is making this change and what residents can expect.

[Name of HOA] Homeowners Association
State, ZIP Code

To [Name],

We are writing this letter to inform you that [Company Name] will be the new property manager of [Address]. This change will not affect any terms of payment of the lease. However, all your future payments will need to be sent to [Address] from now on. Furthermore, late rent payments and grace periods stay the same as they were in the original contracts. 

We look forward to working with you in the future with an even better management company in terms of prompt service and an enjoyable place to live. 

We appreciate your cooperation, and if you have any further questions, you can contact us, and we will give you an answer as soon as possible. 

Kind regards, 

Name of Company

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