HOA Tax Engagement Letter For CPA

Here is a sample template you can use to write a HOA Tax Engagement letter as a CPA.

As a CPA and an expert in taxes for homeowners associations, there are a few key guidelines that you should keep in mind when writing a tax engagement letter for your HOA clients.

First, it is essential to communicate clearly and concisely about the scope of your services and the associated fees. Be sure to address any questions or specific concerns that your client may have and be up-front about any potential risks or challenges.

Additionally, it is crucial to build strong relationships with your HOA clients, as this will help you better understand their specific needs and provide them with the expert advice they need to stay on top of their tax obligations.

With these tips in mind, you can write an effective tax engagement letter for your HOA clients and help them stay compliant with all pertinent tax regulations.


Name of HOA
State, ZIP Code

This letter confirms that you engaged us to prepare your federal and state [Tax Return] for the year of [Tax Year]. The fees for our services will amount to $. 

We have attached related policies, procedures, and practices to make sure we will avoid misunderstandings between us.

Please go over all the documents attached to this letter, and if you have any further questions about the matter discussed in this letter, please contact us. 

When reading the letter thoroughly, we would like to ask you to confirm that you understand everything stated in the documents by leaving your signature where necessary. Thank you. 

Kind regards, 

Name of Accountant 

A HOA tax engagement letter is a document that CPAs use to communicate with boards about the work that will be performed on the HOA’s behalf.

The letter should provide an overview of the services to be performed, as well as the fees for those services.

It is important to be clear and concise in the engagement letter, so that there is no confusion about what is included in the scope of work.

In addition, the letter should state the estimated time frame for the completion of the work and any deadlines that need to be met.

By being clear and upfront about the work to be performed and the associated costs, CPAs can help to ensure that their HOA clients are satisfied with the finished product.

There are a few key things that should be included in any engagement letter for HOA tax purposes.

First, it should clearly state the purpose of the engagement, which is to prepare the tax return.

Second, it should list the specific services to be performed, such as reviewing financial statements and tax records, preparing and filing the return, and so on.

Third, it should outline the fees charged for these services. And finally, it should specify the timeframe in which the work will be completed.

With these things in mind, I’ve included a sample engagement letter for HOA tax purposes above. Feel free to use this as a template for your own engagement letter, or simply use it as a guide to ensure that your engagement letter covers all of the key points.

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