Example of a Letter to HOA for Storage Building on Property

If you would like to request your Homeowners Association for permission to build a storage building on your property, here is a an example of a letter to HOA for a storage building on your property.

As a homeowner, you may often find yourself in need of additional storage space. If your home is like most, you probably don’t have the extra room to store everything you need.

You may be wondering if a storage building is allowed on your property. If so, what are the requirements?

As a homeowner, it’s important to be mindful of the rules and regulations put in place by your homeowners association. If you’re looking to add a storage building to your property, you’ll want to make sure you follow the guidelines set forth by your HOA.

We’ll provide a template for a letter requesting approval for a storage building from your HOA. Keep in mind that every HOA is different, so be sure to tailor this letter specifically to your own community’s rules and regulations.


[Name of HOA] Homeowners Association
State, ZIP Code

State, ZIP Code

Dear [Name of HOA] Homeowners Association,

I am writing this letter to make an official request to build a storage building on my property. I am in urgent need of one because [Write a bit about why you need a storage building on your property]. I am sending you my plan of construction for you to review and see if any changes need to be made. 

If we get your approval, our plan is to start building the storage unit latest on [Date]. I will be waiting for your reply, and if you have any further questions, feel free to contact me. 

Thank you.

Kind regards, 


If you’re planning on building a storage shed on your property, you’ll need to get permission from your Homeowners’ Association (HOA) first.

This can be a daunting task, but with a little preparation and care, you can increase your chances of getting the go-ahead.

First, check your HOA’s bylaws to see if there are any restrictions on building storage sheds. If there are, make sure you understand what those restrictions are before you proceed any further.

Next, draft a letter to the HOA board requesting permission to build a shed. In your letter, be sure to explain why you need a shed and how it will benefit the community.

Include any relevant information about the size and location of the shed, as well as any other pertinent details.

Finally, be prepared to attend a meeting of the HOA board to discuss your proposal. At the meeting, be sure to answer any questions the board may have and address any concerns they may have.

With a little preparation and effort, you should be able to get permission from your HOA to build a storage shed.

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