HOA Board President Letter Lowering Dues

Here is a sample template you can use to write a HOA Board President’s Letter Lowering Dues.

Homeowners Association Board President Letters are circulated to all homeowners in the community informing them of important decisions made by the HOA Board. One such decision is the lowering of homeowners association dues.

This is good news for all homeowners as it saves them money every month. The HOA Board President Letter should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. It should explain the rationale for lowering dues and how it will benefit homeowners.

Most importantly, the letter should give homeowners the confidence that their HOA is fiscally responsible and working in their best interests. Lowering dues is a win-win for everyone involved. Be sure to include any pertinent details, such as when the dues will be lowered and how much they will be lowered by.

Finally, thank the homeowners for their time and membership in the community. By following these steps, you can write a clear and concise letter informing homeowners about lowering dues.

Dear Homeowners,

I am writing this letter to inform you that as of next month, our [Name of HOA] Homeowners Association won’t be charging $ as its homeowner’s dues, and we will be lowering our price to $.

This is good news, and they are the result of our management company lowering its prices, so the price is now equally divided amongst all the members of [Name of HOA] Homeowners Association.

If you have any further questions about this matter, I would like to advise you to please get in touch with our Finance Department. 

Thank you.

Kind Regards,
Name of Board President

One of the great responsibilities of being a Homeowners Association Board President is finding ways to save homeowners money while still providing the services they need and deserve.

If your community is considering lowering dues, there are a few things you should keep in mind when writing a letter to your homeowners.

First, be sure to emphasize the importance of maintaining a strong and vibrant community. Remind homeowners that their dues help to fund important services like landscaping, security, and maintenance.

Next, explain how lowering dues will benefit everyone by making it easier for families to afford to live in the community.

Finally, be sure to thank homeowners for their support and encourage them to continue to make the community a great place to live.

By following these tips, you can write a letter that will help to convince your homeowners that lowering dues is the right decision for the community.

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