Letter to HOA for a Past Due Balance

If you would like to find out your past due balance from your Homeowners Association, here is a sample template you can use to write letter to HOA for your past due balance .

If you are a homeowner, it’s important to stay on top of your payments to the Homeowners Association (HOA). If you fall behind, you could be assessed late fees or even face legal action.

However, life happens and sometimes it’s difficult to keep up with everything. If you find yourself in the situation of owing money to your HOA, the best course of action is to contact them directly to find out your past due balance.

The first step is to gather your documents. You’ll need your account number and any correspondence from the HOA regarding your account. Once you have everything together, draft a letter addressed to the HOA board or management company requesting your account balance.

Be sure to include your full contact information and explain the situation briefly. It’s also a good idea to enclose a copy of your payment history or any other relevant documentation.

If you’re not sure what to say or how to format your letter, you can follow the sample template below. Just be sure to tailor it to your specific situation. Once you’ve sent off your letter, all you can do is wait for a response. The HOA should get back to you within a few weeks with an updated balance and instructions for how to proceed.

If you’re able to pay your balance in full, great! Just send a check or money order to the address they provide. If you’re not able to pay the full amount, you may be able to set up a payment plan. This is something you’ll need to negotiate with the HOA, so be prepared to make some concessions, such as a higher interest rate or smaller monthly payments. Whatever you do, don’t ignore the problem.

By taking action and working with your HOA, you can resolve any issues and get back on track.

[Name of HOA] Homeowners Association
Board of Directors
State, ZIP Code

Dear [Name of HOA],

I am writing this letter as a request to get my past balance. As I know, I have some payments left to make towards the [Name of HOA] Homeowners Association, and as I have no insight into what my balance is, I would like for our Finance team to send me a list of payments I need to make. 

You can send the documents to [List your address and email, or any other way the HOA could send these documents to you]. If you have any further questions, I would be more than happy to answer them. 

Kind regards, 


Before you can start paying off your HOA balance, you need to know how much you owe. If you’re not sure where to begin, writing a Letter to your HOA is a great first step.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Start by explaining who you are and why you’re writing. Be sure to include your full name, address, and contact information.

2. Briefly describe your current situation and explain why you’re inquiring about your past due balance.

3. Be polite and respectful in your letter. Remember that the goal is to get information, not to start an argument.

4. Include any relevant documentation that will help the HOA understand your inquiry. This might include a copy of your most recent mortgage statement or a payment history.

5. If you have any questions, be sure to include them in your letter.

6. Thank the HOA for their time and let them know that you’re looking forward to hearing from them soon.

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